NGOs require funding from donors so that they can implement the programs and projects that they have set for themselves. Therefore, they mobilize resources from all over the world from donors who align with their goals.
The NGOs Coordination Board released their annual report for the year 2019/2020 which revealed the most funded NGOs. The report showed the funding for both national and international NGOs. NGO Coordination Board revealed that NGOs received a total of Kes 152.7 billion in funding.
Most of the funding came from outside Kenya while 1% came from unspecified countries. “NGOs received KES 136.6 billion from external sources representing 86% of the total funds received. They also reported having received KES. 21.2 billion from internal sources,” stated the report.
Further, the report revealed that NGOs received funds totalling KES 925.7 million from unspecified countries. This represents 1% of the total amount received by the 2,816 NGOs that submitted their annual reports.
World Vision Kenya, an international NGO received the most funding overall. They mobilized more than KES 7 billion. They were also the biggest spenders by utilizing funds to implement their programs. The leading national NGO in funding was the Centre for Health Solutions Kenya. They received more than KES 3 billion.
The majority of the funds came from foreign government agencies which made up 29% of all the sources that NGOs got their funds. The other sources are represented in the table below:
Fund source type | Amount (KES) | Percentage (%) |
Foreign Government Agency | 46,001,567,692 | 28.98 |
Affiliate NGOs | 45,472,672,921 | 28.65 |
NGOs, CBOs, Foundation & Trusts | 32,142,257,963 | 20.25 |
United Nations Agency | 12,119,363,265 | 7.64 |
Self-generated income | 7,447,510,989 | 4.69 |
Individual donors | 5,471,386,752 | 3.45 |
Affiliate FBOs | 3,257,506,368 | 2.05 |
Research/Academic Institution | 2,368,384,345 | 1.49 |
Corporates and businesses | 2,317,220,671 | 1.46 |
Contribution from members and directors | 1,300,226,900 | 0.82 |
Agency of Kenya Government | 731,696,462 | 0.46 |
Unspecified Sources | 89,868,601 | 0.06 |
Total | 158,719,662,928 | 100 |
Source of funding by Continent
Continentally, most of the funds came from North America followed by Europe and in third place was Africa. The table below demonstrates as much
Continent | Amount in KES | Percentage |
North America | 66,683,621,081.93 | 42 |
EUROPE | 58,692,387,631.88 | 37 |
Africa | 29,100,764,318.74 | 18 |
Asia | 3,183,622,599.03 | 2 |
Oceania | 123,029,007.00 | 0 |
South America | 10,545,745.00 | 0 |
Unspecified | 925,692,544.40 | 1 |
Total | 158,719,662,927.98 | 100 |
State Actors
State agencies also played a key role in supporting NGOs here are some of the agencies that funded them. NGAAF, NHIF, KEMSA, NEMA, NITA, KYEOP, KENHA, NACC, KWTA, NCPD, WEF, NACADA, WSTF, KEFRI, SFRTF, LVEMP.
County governments were not left behind. The following county governments supported NGOs by financing some of their programs: Kiambu, Nakuru, Kilifi, Mombasa, Isiolo, Nairobi, Bungoma, Siaya and Narok.