The Center for Multiparty Democracy in Kenya held their annual People’s Dialogue Forum at the National Museum of Kenya in Nairobi for four days from 8th to 11th March. Different stakeholders ranging from civil society heavyweights, state and non-state actors, students, and many others showed up for the event.
“The People Dialogue Festival (PDF) is an annual multi-stakeholder platform designed as a vibrant and safe space for respectful, meaningful engagement between citizens and various actors in the social, political and civic sphere. The PDF is an open and public walk-in event which all interested citizens and leaders in their diversity and various capacities are invited to attend,” the communique notes.

According to the communique released by CMD concerning the event a total of 10,000,000 people were reached virtually on live streams and social media while at least 8,000 people attended the event. Additionally, they had 300 pupils and students participate. Students came from notable schools such as Alliance High School, Starehe Boys and Girls’ High Schools and so much more.
The event was divided into four sections called “villages” in which different participants could participate in. There was an SDGs village, a Political Parties Expo, the Ni Sisi Ni Sasa Village for pupils and students, the Youth Village, and the Siasa Dialogue.

Every village had its own activities, speakers, and objectives. There was also a lot of educational entertainment such as games and music which is popularly known as edutainment. The communique indicated that CMD is planning to devolve these festivals to different counties, take it to different schools and expand it beyond Kenya to East African nations.