According to the 2019 population census, 0.9 million Kenyans are Persons living With Disability (PWDs) which represents 2.2% of the Kenyan population. The NGO sector in Kenya has been intentionally serving PWDs to ensure that they’re living a quality life and can access equal opportunities just like their abled colleagues.
The following organizations specialize in catering to PWDs:
Action for Children with Disabilities (ACD)-They help children with intellectual disabilities learn.
Riziki Source- It is a social enterprise that helps PWDs find jobs and employment.
Signs Media Kenya- This is a media organization that aims at educating, informing and entertaining in sign language by enhancing the disability and deaf culture.
Kytabu- This organization seeks to enable students to access education through technology by delivering education content to PWDs.
The Action Foundation (TAF) – TAF is a youth-led organization that helps PWDs through collaborating with communities and governments. They have developed the Somesha Mobile-Based App which develops stories that come in audio, visual, print and sign language formats.
Cheshire Disability Services Kenya– They work with 41 partner organizations based in 37 counties in Kenya to the benefit of children and adults living with disabilities with livelihood support, education, institutional development, sexual reproductive health and rights etc.