Aims and Objectives
The Expression of Interest (EOI) document is for the identification of local and foreign companies owned and led by Women, Youth and Persons With Disabilities for them to get prequalified and be registered in our database so that they can participate in future procurement opportunities. To qualify for consideration, the companies must demonstrate capacity to provide services in the best possible way and in a manner that enables Safaricom Plc meet its customer expectations and deliver on the company’s strategic objectives.
Find below requirements to be submitted for each category
Women in Business Category
- Detailed company profile demonstrating experience of the organization and the team.
- Certificate of incorporation/registration certificate.
- Tax compliance certificate.
- Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Certificate for women.
- Shareholding structure – Current CR12.
- Identify/Passport copies and KRA Pins of the Directors.
Youth Category
- Detailed company profile demonstrating experience of the organization and the team.
- Certificate of incorporation/registration certificate.
- Tax compliance certificate.
- Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Certificate for youth.
- Shareholding structure – Current CR12.
- Identity/Passport copies and KRA PINs of the Directors.
- All the directors/shareholders as per CR12 should be below 35 years of age.
- Detailed company profile demonstrating experience of the organization and the team.
- Certificate of incorporation/registration certificate.
- Tax compliance certificate.
- AGPO Certificate (PWD) or certificate from National Council of Persons with disabilities. (NCPWD Certificate)
- Shareholding structure – Current CR12.
- Identity/Passport copies and KRA PINs of the Directors.
The next steps will be as below –
- Evolution of the Expression of Interest submission.
- Shortlisting of potential Women, Youth and PWD companies.
- Prequalification of shortlisted companies in line with our procurement process.
Companies are advanced to submit their responses via return email by 4:00pm (EAT) on Friday 2nd June 2023 to