The police are once again in the spotlight for the murder of senior Pakistani investigative journalist Arshadd Shariff. Arshad was in Kenya traveling from Magadi to Nairobi when his brother Khurram Ahmed the driver apparently refused to stop at a roadblock. The police opened fire on Sunday night and fatally shot Shariff in the head thinking it was someone who had kidnapped a lost child. The police say it was a case of mistaken identity.
“It was reported to Magadi police station vide OB 14/23/10/2022 at 22.00hrs that along Kuenia farm/ Kamukuru marram a shooting incident involving GSU officers had occurred and one Pakistan national namely Arshad Mohammed Shariff aged 50 years had been fatally shot while he was been driven in a motor vehicle registration number KDG 200M along that road when the deceased and his brother Khurram Ahmed were driving back to Nairobi,” the police said in their report.
Arshad Shariff was working on a story that showed how Pakistan’s elite use London and other big cities as havens to launder their ill-gotten cash. John Allan Namu was also featured in the documentary called “Behind Closed Doors” according to the trailer shared.
The news was broken by Ashrad’s wife Juveria Siddique who said that she had lost her husband.” I lost friend, husband and my favorite journalist today, as per police he was shot in Kenya,” wrote Siddique on her Twitter account.
This murder comes after the disbandment of the Special Service Unit which was apparently conducting kidnappings and extrajudicial killings. President William Ruto pledged to ensure that the police department was not being used to ravage the lives of those they were mandated to protect.
I have ordered the disbandment of the SSU unit of the police that was arbitrarily executing Kenyans. That is the history we want to forget. Let our competitors not remind us of the many things they did against this country,” said the President at a previous function.